Project Team

Mgr. Ivana Šimíková
Principal Investigator, took part in all project activities.

Ivana Šimíková has worked as a longstanding researcher at the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs. She has participated in many applied research studies in the area of evaluating integration and social inclusion policies. She has been the principal investigator in several projects focusing on evaluation of social programs targeted on Roma ethnic group, describing the situation in excluded localities or methodological drawbacks of capturing inequality based on ethnicity. She has a long-term experience with field data collection in socially excluded localities or in Roma ethnic groups, as well as experience from with social services operating in this milieu.

She has co-authored the following publications:

Mgr. Laura Fónadová, Ph.D.
Responsible for project surveys’ conceptualization and research design.

Laura Fónadová is an assistant professor at the Department of Public Economy at the Faculty of Economy and Administration of Masaryk University. Among her main research interests is inequality, mainly ethnic inequality in education, and the institutional level of inequality related to the Roma ethnic group.

She has authored or co-authored the following publications:

Etnická diferenciace základních škol: příklad města Brna (Ethnic Differentiation of Czech Primary Schools: the Case of Brno) FÓNADOVÁ, Laura – KATRŇÁK, Tomáš. Fórum sociální politiky, Praha: Výzkumný ústav práce a sociálních věcí, v. v. i., Vol. 13, No.: 3, pp. 2-8. 2019
The Czech Republic: From Ethnic Discrimination to Social Inclusion in the Educational System FÓNADOVÁ, Laura – KATRŇÁK, Tomáš – SIMONOVÁ, Natálie. In Peter A. J. Stevens, A. Gary Dworkin. The Palgrave Handbook of Race and Ethnic Inequalities in Education. 2nd edition. Palgrave Macmillan. 2019
Etnická homogamie na Slovensku v letech 1992 až 2012 (Ethnic Homogamy in Slovakia between 1992 and 2012) FÓNADOVÁ, Laura – KATRŇÁK, Tomáš. Sociologický časopis, Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 2016
Nenechali se vyloučit. Sociální vzestupy Romů v české společnosti (They Would Not be Excluded: Upward Social Mobility Pathways of the Roma in Czech Society) FÓNADOVÁ, Laura. 1. ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita. 2014
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prof. PhDr. Tomáš Katrňák, Ph.D.
Main Project Methodologist, responsible for the quantitative survey and data analysis.

Tomáš Katrňák is a professor of sociology and the head of the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University. His research interests include social stratification, educational and ethnic inequalities, and methodology of quantitative data collection and analysis. He has been the principal investigator in several research projects, among which the project establishing a Czech household panel between 2014 and 2018 is notable. He has published in the Czech Sociological Review, and international journals Sociológia, International Sociology, Sociological Theory and Methods, European Sociological Review and Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.

He has authored or co-authored the following books, published in Czech:

Na vzdělání záleží: Jak vzdělanostní rozdíly ovlivňují osudy lidí v české společnosti (Education Matters: How Educational Differences Affect Individuals’ Lives) HAMPLOVÁ, Dana – KATRŇÁK, Tomáš (edithors). Brno: CDK. 2018
Návrat k sociálnímu původu: vývoj sociální stratifikace v české společnosti v letech 1989 až 2009 (Back to Social Origin: The Trends in Social Stratification of Czech Society between 1989 and 2009) FUČÍK, Petr – KATRŇÁK, Tomáš. Brno: CDK. 2010
Na prahu dospělosti: Partnerství, sex a životní představy mladých v současné české společnosti (At the Edge of Adulthood: Relationships, Sex and Life Notions of Youth in Contemporary Czech Society) FUČÍK, Petr – KATRŇÁK, Tomáš – LECHNEROVÁ, Zdeňka – PAKOSTA, Petr. Praha: Dokořán & MUNI. 2010
Spřízněni volbou? Homogamie a heterogamie manželských párů v České republice (Elective Affinities? Homogamy and Heterogamy of Wedded Pairs in the Czech Republic) KATRŇÁK, Tomáš. Praha: Slon. 2008
Třídní analýza a sociální mobilita (Class Analysis and Social Mobility). KATRŇÁK, Tomáš. Praha: Slon. 2005
Odsouzeni k manuální práci: vzdělanostní reprodukce v dělnické rodině (Destined for Manual Job: Educational Reproduction in Working Class Family) KATRŇÁK, Tomáš. Praha: Slon. 2004
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Ing. Miroslava Rákoczyová, Ph.D.
Responsible for project surveys’ conceptualization and research design.

Miroslava Rákozcyová is a researcher at the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs. She has focused on labour market policies and the issues of social exclusion and social inclusion, and their indication. In the past, she has been the principal investigator in several research projects studying integration among immigrants.

Her publishing activities include, among others:

Institucionální podmínky sociální integrace cizinců v ČR I a II (Institutional Conditions of Social Integration of Foreigners in the Czech Republic I and II) RÁKOZCYOVÁ, Miroslava – TRBOLA, Robert. Brno: Barrister & Principal. 2011
Sociální integrace přistěhovalců v České republice (Social Integration of Migrants in the Czech Republic) RÁKOZCYOVÁ, Miroslava – TRBOLA, Robert. Praha, Slon. 2009
Mgr. Pavel Bareš, Ph.D. (former member)
Project Researcher

Pavel Bareš works as a researcher at the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs. His professional interest covers the issue of the provision of social services in the Czech Republic. In this area, he deals with the provision of social services with regard to the concept of modern social service as well as with the role of the state, regional and municipal governments and non-profit organizations in their provision. He also addresses the protection of vulnerable groups, the integration of ethnic minorities and the social inclusion of marginalized people.

He is, among other, a co-author of publications:

Building a Career in a Host Country: Educational and Occupational Determinants of Migrant Men’s Well-Being BAREŠ, Pavel – HORÁKOVÁ, Milada et al. In: Experiences of Young Migrant Men and Their Well-Being. An Empirical Study from Seven European Countries. Final Synthesis Report, pp. 31-41, Hamburg: CJD Hamburg + Eutin and the partners. 2015
The Aspect of Culture in the Social Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities. Final Report. Czech Republic BAREŠ, Pavel – HORÁKOVÁ, Milada. Flensburg: Ethnic Center for Minority Issues / Praha: Výzkumný ústav práce a sociálních věcí, v. v. i. 2006
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Mgr. et Mgr. Matouš Jelínek, M.Phil. (former member)
Responsible for the qualitative surveys’ methodology and analyses.

Matouš Jelínek is a doctoral student at Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam, formerly doctoral student at Department of Sociology at Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. His research interests are related to ethnicity, mainly to the issues of ethnic identification and the mutual influence of ethnicity, gender and class in the context of social inequality and marginalization in low-threshold social services. He focuses on these topics in relation to Roma population. As a social worker, he worked with Roma children and youth. He has participated in several ethnographic research studies and has co-authored the following publications:

Constructing Professional Services: For-profit Care and Domestic Work Agencies in the Czech Republic JELÍNEK, Matouš – SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Women’s Studies International Forum, Vol. 70. 2018
Péče na prodej: jak se z péče z lásky stává placenou službou (Care for Sale : How Labours of Love Turn into Paid Service) JELÍNEK, Matouš – SOURALOVÁ, Adéla at el. Brno: Munipress. 2017

Other Project Members

Petr Hráský
Project Website Administrator
Mgr. Aleš Kroupa
Project Manager
Bc. Kristina Kvapilová
Project Management Assistant, also responsible for project publicity
Ing. Iva Veselá
Project Financial Manager